Hydroponic greenhouse systems in simple words mean just growing crops in water.
Plants and vegetables are placed in a growing medium such as clay pellets, rock wool, recycled foam, foam, peat, sawdust, gravel or coconut fiber, and then, fed a feeder or nutrient to make them grow.
The main advantage of hydroponic greenhouse systems that they yield better crops by using simple water-based techniques.
Better Crops from Hydroponics
Plants grow faster than when placed in soil.
They don’t need to spend so much energy developing roots to find oxygen, nutrients and water, therefore produce better quality fruit or flower.
The number of vegetables and plants produced magnifies when using this technique.
For instance, the tomato yield per acre when grown in soil ranges from 5 to 10 tons.
With the hydroponic method, it is usually between sixty to three hundred tons.
There is practically no risk of soil-borne pests, disease and fungus.
They yield bigger vegetables and plants without pesticides. Hydroponic lettuce
Greenhouse plants can grow all year round.
It is simpler to keep crops warm and within the sunlight.
Hydroponic systems take less time to tend as they require no weeding or watering.